Doing the Hard Things

Doing the Hard Things



Episode # 61






Show Notes




In this episode, I discuss a few things that Stephanie and I are having a real hard time doing. The older you get more hard things there are for you to do. When you’re in school homework is hard and the higher you get in school, the harder the homework becomes. Will this week’s episode of caregiving for dementia, I talk about things here in the house that are really hard for Stephanie and I to do.

When I talk about things that are hard to do. I’m talking about raising your kids the right way. It’s harder to turn them loose when they become young adults. Stephanie and I find it very hard to turn loose of the boy, in fact, there are times when we telling he still can’t do something, and he’s like daddy.

I’ve seen movies and I’m sure that you have gone through in your life to where someone has passed away, and their spouse doesn’t want to go through their things. They don’t want to go through their things because it’s too hard. Well, I’ve had just a little taste of that this weekend. You see, Stephanie and I trying to get things ready for winter switching the summer close over to our winter clothes and were running on to some of mom’s close that we know Mama will never wear again. Mamas lost so much weight that you will not get into most of her clothes that she got in the closet.

Stephanie, I have very little room so we can’t hold on to everything that Mama has we bought a new close and she’s lost so much weight. She won’t be able to wear this year. So we’re finding ourselves making the hard decisions of keeping some of mom’s close throwing some of mom’s close away or donating some of them. And then there are some of those close that I just can’t talk about right now. Because there Mama’s favorite clothes, their close up, Mama wore all the time. In fact, there’s one dress hanging in the closet that will probably be the last dress, Mama ever wears.

Mamas made a lot of her clothes when she was younger I can remember coming home from school and finding mom on the living room floor with material and this tissue paper thing that was called a pattern spread all out through the living room floor. She takes this tissue paper thing and the material & starts cutting the material out and take the material over the sewing machine and starts sewing the pieces together. Mama used to make a lot of pretty close for herself. I remember one time she made us kids pants and vests to go to school in. I’m glad I was a kid. Cause pants look so funny. But there’s some close of mamas made here. Some of her winter sweaters she crocheted some bedspreads that she crocheted fact; I’ve got the last bedspreads she ever crocheted about 3 years ago. I don’t want to get rid of those. I don’t want to throw those out. I don’t want to donate those but yet, on the other hand, we can’t keep everything.

Then Mama has a bed that she bought before she got too terribly bad with this dementia. It’s a two-piece bed. The main bed is too high for Mama anymore. The other piece was what we call a rollaway bed. It’s a smaller and shorter bed, so it’s easier for Mama to get in and out of than the normal bed. We’re talking about decorating for Christmas this year at least putting up a tree. Because last year didn’t feel like Christmas in fact, it was rather depressing, so we decided that we’re going to put a tree up this year. But in order to do that, we have to take apart this bed and store it. So we can have the window for the tree.

If we take this bed apartment and store it. I kind of feel like I’m doing Mama wrong. Cause its mama’s bed. But we need the space for the tree; both of them can’t go to the same spot, so I feel bad, I feel like I’m doing Mama wrong. After all, it’s her bed that was talking about moving. It’s her bed that storing away.

So we’re left with hard decisions to make and the only way to make them is to do what’s best for you at the time.

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